Thursday, August 16, 2007

Amber, la reina de las pelotas - Amber, the ball`s queen

Esta es Amber, y a que no saben que le gusta??? Las pelotas, de todo tamaño y tipo. MIren.
This is Amber, and to do not know that you like??? The balls, of all sizes and types. Looks...

Y también le gustaria ir aun circo de perros...Woowwwwwwwww que equilibrio...
And also Would go even circus of dogs...Woowwwwwwww that balance

Amber, es otra perrita con blog.. aqui.
Amber, is other dog with blog.. Here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Conan, pero no el barbaro - Conan, but not the barbarian

Este es mi super mega amigo "Conan". Es tan viejo como yo, pero es muy vago para abrir un blog, por eso no tiene blog.

This it is my gentle super friend "Conan". He is so old as I, but he is very vague to open a blog, because of it he does not have blog.

Che, Conan, me encanto la foto tx!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Compartir el sueño - To share the dream

Estos son Sitka y Tia, y verlos dormir es un placer.
It these are Sitka and Tia, and to see them sleeping is a pleasure.

Viven juntos y comparten blog.. aqui.
They live united and share blog .. here